History Of Therapeutic Multilayer
Blanket Beginnings

The origins of this technology go as far back as the long disappeared civilizations of ancient Shumer, Egypt, Babylon and Assyria.

Devices implementing this technique were used in various religious cultures. Priests used them to know the will of the gods and to receive strength for the embodiment of the gods’ desires.

Such devices are mentioned in the cuneiform tablets stored in the fund of Pensylvania University Museum that belonged to the Shumer-Accadian civilization of 2350–2150 BC. However, a more detailed description of such a device is given in the Bible – a unique collection of religious legends, scriptures and historical chronicles.

The book of Exodus describes events that happened in the 14th century BC. Moses led the Hebrew people from Egypt towards the Promised Land. After passing the north-western bay of the Red Sea, the Lord and Moses entered into the Covenant at Mount Ras es-Safsafeh that was inscribed onto stone tablets. The sacred tablets were to be kept in the Ark of the Covenant, which was a box made of shittim-tree wood, overlaid with gold both inside and outside and decorated with a gold crown and rings. Its length was 2.5 ells, the width and height were 1.5 ells. Whilst being intended as the keeping place for the stone tablets of the Lord’s Covenant, the Ark of the Testimony was also the place where God revealed His will to Moses.

“And there I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubims, which are upon the Ark of the Covenant, of all things which I will give thee in commandment unto the children of Israel...” (Exodus 25:22).

For a long time the Israelites used the Ark in their war campaigns. After Solomon built the Great Temple in Jerusalem, the Ark of the Covenant had been solemnly transferred to the “Holy of Holies”. Its further destiny is unknown. It was supposedly destroyed during the destruction and burning of the Great Temple. There is however a Christian legend that the Ark was hidden in a cave by the prophet Jeremiah.

Some centuries later, various people tried to reconstruct its equivalent. They believed that the Ark helped in the attainment of eternal youth and enabled the preservation and restoration of health. The Inquisition erased most of the names of these people.

That is why all current knowledge of this subject has been established during the first half of the 20th century. As is well known, Austrian psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich came close to the recreation of the Ark of the Covenant.

Reich believed that there is a certain life energy, which he termed “orgone”, which circulates in a human being. The human body only functions if it can absorb, accumulate, make use of and emit this energy. The process of reception, accumulation and emission of the energy occurs in the form of a biological pulsation.

If this biological pulsation becomes disturbed then either the expansion or the contraction process prevails, which results in the development of abnormal processes (biopathies). Biopathies may appear as diseases: anemia, asthma, angina pectoris, cancer, multiple sclerosis, chorea, epilepsy, hypertension, neuroses, psychoses, and so on.

According to Reich, the purpose of therapy is to recover this natural biological pulsation. For this purpose, Reich developed several approaches. Reich’s main approaches included Clinical Bioenergetics, Orgonomy and ‘Orgone Accumulators’. For the purposes of this article, we need to consider orgone accumulators. Wilhelm Reich stated that such ‘orgone accumulators’ can enhance energy currents in the human body and recover the bioenergetic pulsation.

As an orgone accumulating device, he used a wooden box with its sides proportional to the dimensions of the Ark of the Covenant. The box was lined inside with a special metal sheet. The patient was placed into the box. In Reich’s opinion, orgone accumulated in the box and was transferred to the patient resulting in increased Bioenergy currents. With orgone energy supplied in this way for half an hour every day the biological pulsation was gradually restored. As a result the patient got better.

Using such a simple device, Wilhelm Reich successfully treated many diseases. Even chronic conditions incurable by conventional methods were treated successfully. Reich achieved encouraging results in cancer therapy. ‘Orgone accumulators’ had especially beneficial effects on children of various ages.

After Reich’s death, the history of ‘orgone accumulators’ continued. The ‘accumulators’ are well-known in the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis, New-York; American College of Orgonomy, Prinston, NJ; the Munich Institute for Parapsyphology, Germany; etc.

Heiko Lassek, director of the Wilhelm Reich Institute, Berlin, applied ‘orgone accumulators’ to improve the quality of life in oncologic patients at stage IV of cancer. Significant improvement of condition was observed in 15 from 17 incurable patients. A prolonged remission with temporary return to working activity was achieved in 3 from another 15 patients.

In Russia, the attempts to re-produce an analogue of the Covenant’s Ark began in the late 1980s - early 1990s. The most successful approach was achieved by Alexander Datchenko of Taganrog, Russia. Datchenko first revealed all the physical factors that could act on a person in an ‘orgone accumulator’ or in the vicinity of the Ark of the Covenant. Then, Datchenko endeavoured to find out their optimal combination and the optimal intensity of each factor.

The diversity and availability of advanced materials have enabled the replacement of the cumbersome wooden constructions of old. The modern version of the Ark of the Covenant has been implemented as a blanket with embedded screens made of synthetic membranes known as the Therapeutic Multilayer Blanket TMB-01 (OLM-01).

This TMB-01 new version of the Ark of the Covenant proved to be more practical and convenient to use. The key advantage, however, is TMB-01 efficiency in health enhancement, recovering, prevention and clinical treatment of diseases that greatly exceeds the efficiency of other ‘orgone accumulators’.