Mechanisms Of The Healing Blanket Specific Actions

Tarakanov A., Klimova L., Milyutina N., Datchenko A., Rostov-on-Don, Russia

The influence of the one-time application of the healing medical blanket (Threatment Multilayer Blanket - TMB) and of the placebo-blanket upon certain factors of homeostasis of practically healthy individuals is being analysed.

The dynamics of changeability of systolic (SP), diastolic (DP) and average dynamic (ADP) pressure levels have been studied, as well as the activity of processes of peroxidisation of lipids (POL) and the state of antioxidised system (AOS) of the plasma and the erythrocite, and parameters of the structural and functional characteristics of the erythrocite membranes. The study was conducted on two groups of practically healthy individuals, under the ages of 20 to 52 (7 men and 11 women). In the first group the subjects were covered once, fully, for 30 minutes with the (TMB). In the second group the placebo-blanket was used instead.

Immediately after the procedure, in the first group inconsiderable decrease of SP, DP and SDP (respectively with 5.8%, 2.8 % and 4.1%) has been noted. In the second group, SP was decreased by 23.9 % (P < 0.001), DP was increased by 21.3% (P < 0.05), SDP practically did not change. 1.5 hours later, after the completion of the procedure, in Group I the tendency towards decrease of SP, DP and SDP became greater (respectively with 7.0%, 5.6%, 6.2%). In Group II the numbers practically returned to the original.

In the investigation of the level of nitrose-hemoglobin (NOHb) we established a direct linear dependence of its level upon the level of SDP. The analysis of data concerning the level changes of (NOHb) with the use of TMB and Placebo showed a tendency towards decrease of SDP under the influence of TMB, related to the possible release of NO as a relaxing factor.

In Group I the data of the POL/AOS system of blood plasma is characterized by inconsiderable activation of the free-radical processes and lipoperoxidation, accompanied by multidirectional changes of the activity of fermented antioxidants. Group II showed clear tendency of decrease in the accumulation of free radicals and products of POL, as well as decrease in the activity of the fermenting element of AOS.

The tendencies of change of the erythrocites levels data of the POL/AOS system were similar in both groups, but showed a much greater decrease in the accumulation of products of POL in the Group II. The activation of the erythrocites SOD and the katalasis was more evident in Group I. In Group I the functional possibilities of the membrane worsened compared to the initial data, in Group II such dynamics were less clear.

Thus the comparative analysis of the data of chemodynamics and of the POL/AOS system of the blood plasma and of the erythrocites (the cell model) with the one-time use of TMB and Placebo showed a principal difference in their influence on the organism of a healthy individual. The use of TMB can be characterized as an adequate training method of one of the homeostatic systems of the human organism.