Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

Lyan V.N., Lyan N.V., Zaidiner B.M., Kulizhskiy B.P., Rostov-on-Don, Russia

Nowadays CFS attracts greater and greater attention. Cause and effect relations of CFS are listed in the international classification of diseases ICD-10 where basic attention is paid to the psychical and psychosomatic disturbances. More than 96% of the oncological patients suffer from CFS (1). Being experienced in needle-reflex (NRT) and millimeter therapy (MMT) in patients with CFS (2) we explore the combining of the given methods with SCENAR therapy (ST).


To explore the possibilities of combine treatment of patients with CFS with ST, NRT and MMT.

Materials and methods

Analysis was made of the case reports of 55 patients who were divided into two groups: 1 (control) - 30 patients treated with NRT and MMT and 2 (experimental) - 25 patients treated with the methods given above combined with ST. The compatibility of the two groups by gender, age and disease character was confirmed by representative analysis.

The patients were examined with computer diagnostic complex ”Rofus-24”, which determines the energetic and functional condition of the main organs and systems. SCENAR diagnostic was done by the values of the initial reaction and the relative speed of the reaction in the zones on the front of the body, and the energetic channel of the urinary bladder - MC, RP, kidneys (R) respectively.

The treatment was conducted with MMT devices from the series - ”ËÓ×-ÊÂ×”, whose detectors were fixed on the Adjna and Vishudha chakras for 3 minutes (regime of tonization) and NRT ways of influence on the “joy” point of MC and R, and “wind” and “warmth” points of RP. ST was conducted in subjective dosed regime on the zones given above and along the way of running of the energy through the channels RP and MC.

In this way the complex pathogenetic therapy of CFS leads to normalizing the functional state of the body, bringing influence on all three levels of the energetic system: 1) the psychoemotional sector; 2) the centers (chakras, controlling the basic functions); 3) improvement of the functions of RP. The combine treatment of CFS with methodics, differing in their mechanisms of action, allows therapy to be completed in shorter terms.

The research in this direction continues.